Concentrating Solar Power (CSP)

Blue Moon Diamond Holdings is developing a Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) plant as an Independent Power Producer (IPP). The plant will make use of the Central Receiver technology; will use molten salt for thermal storage and as a heat transfer fluid.

CSP PlantBlue Moon Diamond Holdings is developing a Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) plant as an Independent Power Producer (IPP). The plant will make use of the Central Receiver technology; will use molten salt for thermal storage and as a heat transfer fluid.

Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) with Thermal Energy Storage has an advantage over other Renewable Energy technologies due to its predictability in dispatch and has the potential to become cost-competitive with conventional generation options in the future.

Strategic value of the technology to the country:

Socio Economic Benefits- The tower technology could be manufactured with a higher local content when compared to other CSP technologies, thus contributing to sustainable job creation through the establishment of local manufacturing capacity.
Grid Stability - Proven energy storage of the heat transfer medium forms an integral part of the plant. This means that CSP plants can generate electricity when the sun does not shine and provide power when it is most needed on the grid system, to support morning and evening peaks.
Large-scale Generation - CSP plants can be built in modular format in multi-MW units.  The plant can be replicated in parks of 100's of MW, with no fuel costs, and requiring land similar to that of conventional fossil plants with coal mines.
Low Environmental Impact - A significant benefit to CSP is that it has little environmental impact - a solar-only plant has no emissions and occupies a similar portion of land compared to conventional fossil plants.

Dec 23, 2020 Category: General Posted by: admin