The Cloud Platform Designed for Resilient Businesses

BMDH is a global cloud service provider of secure and compliant hosting for infrastructure (IaaS), disaster recovery (DRaaS), and backup as a service (BaaS). Our Secure Cloud Console natively combines deep-layered security, predictive analytics, and compliance to deliver unmatched visibility and ease of management for all of BMDH cloud services. BMDH delivers cloud services from its cloud regions throughout North America, Europe, Australia, Africa, and Asia.


BMDH offers the following cloud services:

Hosted Cloud:

  • Secure Cloud Hosting
  • Secure Public Cloud
  • Secure Private Cloud
  • Object Storage
  • Cloud Console


  • Veeam Cloud Backup
  • Microsoft 365 Backup

Disaster Recovery:

  • Secure DRaaS With Zerto
  • Secure DRaaS With Veeam
  • Secure DRaaS With VMware
  • Autopilot Managed Recovery 

Complete Hosted Cloud SolutionsHosted-Cloud-Services

BMDH continues to innovate on its cloud services portfolio, adding new services and making existing services better.

  • BMDH Secure CloudSM – Scalable enterprise-class Infrastructure-as-a-Service supporting the most stringent security and compliance needs
  • BMDH Secure DRaaSSM – Protection for your on-premise workloads, virtual and physical, as well as your systems running in the cloud
  • BMDH Secure Private CloudSM – Dedicated resources with the same exceptional management and functionality of our public cloud
  • BMDH Secure Cloud BackupSM – Back up your on-premise VMware and Hyper-V environments to a global iland cloud location


BMDH-technologyBest of Breed Technologies

At BMDH, we see our role as your cloud concierge, a seamless extension of your IT department, aggregating the technologies and capabilities you need to easily manage your cloud and disaster recovery workloads, without sacrificing enterprise features or compliancy. To do that, we started with the basics – the best of breed technologies that underpin our cloud at each of our global locations, and layered our own innovative technology and security tools on top to give you unprecedented control and visibility into your cloud resources.

Intuitive Cloud Management

BMDH Secure Cloud is more than IaaS or Cloud Hosting – it is an enterprise hosting platform deployed globally and managed through our BMDH Secure Cloud ConsoleSM. With BMDH Secure Cloud, you can easily manage all of your virtual data center resources such as compute, storage and complex networking, view detailed performance information, create and restore from backups, manage advanced security and compliance, access billing info and more.

The BMDH Secure Cloud platform and console are on a quarterly release cycle, ensuring that you are getting the latest innovations and user-driven enhancements, streamlining your cloud experience.

Superior Data Centers and Connectivity

With state-of-the-art data centers and access to over 500 carriers across the United States, Europe, Africa and Asia, BMDH hosts the workloads of growing businesses, both local and global. We serve companies requiring additional capacity, local presence, or sophisticated disaster recovery support and we have backup facilities at every location.  

We’ve built our cloud to respect data sovereignty, ensuring clarity and stability in the location of your IT systems, which will not migrate to other countries or regions.

Customer Service Excellence for Your Infrastructure

Your onboarding starts even before your first virtual machine is deployed. Our experienced Cloud Services team will guide you through your virtual data center and provide you with a project plan, blueprints and best practices to maximize your ROI and performance.

When you have a question – or something goes wrong within your hosted cloud or disaster recovery service, you have the personalized attention of 24×7 phone support, rapidly triaging and addressing issues, large and small. Visit our Support Center.

 Contact us for demo or quotation: