Contact Center for Modern Workspace Collaboration

Our Contact Center solution modernizes the call center with business application integrations, AI, and analytics across all communication channels. We provide customers with the most comprehensive contact center product in the industry.

Our Contact Center solution is an all-in-one customer communications solution, designed to serve all of your contact center needs.
Stay ahead of the curve by providing more than just a simple call center. Evolve into an omnichannel contact center solution with enterprise-class features.

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Save money and reduce costs.

An all-in-one solution lets you invest in your platform and infrastructure once. No need to add technologies or support diverse systems.

Evaluate and optimize business processes.

Know which processes need to be updated and when with over 100 pre-built reports and a highly configurable monitoring tool.

Increase the reach of your organizations. 

Add social media and mobile channels to your contact center so customers can reach you where it is most convenient for them.

Built to fit your needs

Meet the most complex of organizational requirements. We will work closely with you to design solutions that fit your changing needs.

Speed up resolution time

Automate tasks with artificial intelligence. Save agents' valuable time, accelerating resolution speed and increasing customer satisfaction.

Omnichannel capabilities

Easily allow customers to contact you through any communication channel while agents can efficiently handle the interactions on a single platform.

Powerful integrations

Provide omnichannel contact center capabilities to your organization.

Optimize your technology investments. Integrate applications such as CRM, chatbots, and more with ice's powerful functionalities to accelerate resolution time and drive ROI. Our Contact Center system was developed with users and customers in mind. This means that we provide an all-in-one solution to meet all of your needs, enabling you to serve your customers effectively. It brings communications from all media channels into one place, allowing you to monitor, report, and optimize your operations on an ongoing basis. The powerful suite of modules ensures that all the tools that agents need are readily at their disposal.

As a highly configurable solution, BMDH will work with you to build your Contact Center solution to fit your organizational needs. With endless integration including Microsoft Teams, workforce management (WFM), CRM, common ticketing software, legacy PBX systems, and more, our contact center system is the ideal contact center solution. No matter where you are in your technology roadmap, our solution is there when you need it! 

Our Contact Center solution provides a true omnichannel experience by enabling customers to reach you on any channel.

ominichannelContact us for a demo or quotation: 

Let customers contact you using their preferred communication channel. Our Contact Center system users can efficiently handle different methods of communication from one platform, helping them save time. Regardless of how customers reach you, users will be provided with details of their previous interaction history. By examining the most recent communication exchanges, users can effectively and quickly equip themselves to respond to customers, saving time while increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Take your Microsoft Teams investment to the next level

Our contact center solutions is a Microsoft Teams native contact center and give users all the contact-handling tools they need all within the Teams interface. Direct routing drastically accelerates call setup times for mission critical-voice services.

Our Contact Center solution has over 30 robust modules including real-time monitoring and analytics, historical reporting, chatbots, recording, surveys, and more.

Created for everyone

For agents:
Easily handle all interactions on one platform

Provide agents and contact center users with the tools to make their job more efficient and deliver outstanding customer services. Simply handle all interactions on one platform no matter what channel customers reach your organization.

For administrators:
Providing powerful administration capabilities

House all your contact center tools on a single platform. With enterprise capabilities such as coaching, barge-in, silent monitoring, making workflow changes on the fly, and more, ice allows administrators to efficiently handle critical day-to-day tasks.

For customers
Enhance customer experience and engagement

As an omnichannel solution, our contact center solution offers integrations with several modalities so customers can contact you on their preferred communication channel. Integrate your contact center with CRM and ticketing systems to personalize customer experiences.

Customer experience

Connect with your customers the way they want

Reach customers where it is most convenient for them whether through voice, video, web chat, social media, chatbots, or other means. As new communication channels are added to your organization, agents will continue to use the same tools they are familiar with, reducing the training gap to learn new software.









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