Digital transformation

digital tranformation5Digitisation is transforming businesses throughout the world. There are four key drivers behind these efforts, improving customer engagement, digitising products and exploring new business models, improving decision making and driving operational efficiencies. The value creation opportunities in each of these areas are enormous, however companies undertaking these efforts quickly learn that the technology in digital transformation is often the easiest part of change. Successful digital transformation efforts always start with a clear understanding of strategy, current and future state operating models and risk appetite. Organisations need to decide whether or not they are going to be the disruptor and try to take a lead as a transformer, or whether they are going to play a waiting game, monitor the competitive landscape and react as necessary to defend market share. Leaders then must consider how people will be impacted, including how easily the culture of the organisation and behaviour of individual employees can adopt new approaches and how customer interactions will change for the better.

BMDH helps companies make the promise of digital transformation a reality.  We work collaboratively with you to create a deep understanding of the risks and opportunities presented by new emerging technologies and think creatively about how you can use these technologies to improve business performance. Drawing on experts in data and analytics, technology, internal audit, business process, risk and compliance, we tailor teams of professionals to fit the specific requirements of your transformation program.  These professionals work side-by-side with you at any or all stages of a transformation program, delivering confidence that the people, processes and technologies involved converge to create value in the future.

Digital transformations generally seek to accomplish one or more key objectives. Exploring and creating new ways to build strong relations with customers. The digitisation of products or services which involves launching new, enhancing existing or exploring new business models for products or services. Enhancing business analytics and decision science to improve decision making. Or creatively using technology to improve operational performance. We have experience collaborating closely with clients to help them achieve their business objectives in a variety of ways. Since each transformation is unique, we tailor the following competencies to fit your organisational strengths and needs.

dt_governanceDigital Transformation Governance, Strategy & Execution

We help you ensure that digital transformation programs are established, well defined, set up for success and executed effectively. This includes providing technology readiness assessments, program and project management support, project assurance and change management/enablement. In addition, we deliver a range of services for cybersecurity and privacy, as well as data architecture, analytics and reporting.


Functional Transformation & Improvement

We partner with you to discover how technology can reinvent finance, information technology, business operations, procurement, risk management and audit functions. We provide experts in each functional area with technology and change management professionals to help you improve or transform your business.

dt-enablingEnabling an Innovation Culture

We provide an objective view to help you remove the unnecessary barriers to innovation and change that exist in your organisation. This includes helping you establish governance of your digital investment portfolio, assessing and developing your innovation culture, building “fit-to-purpose” policy frameworks and designing and delivering training and awareness programs.

dt-newNew Technologies Assessment & Implementation

We support your decision processes on when and how to embrace new or emerging technologies. While the landscape is always changing, we help you understand the opportunities and implement programs to leverage new areas, including AI robotics and machine learning, RegTech (regulatory technology), blockchain, data analytics/big data, FinTech (financial service technology) and the internet of things.

dt-businessBusiness Analytics & Decision Science

We help organisations with information management, data governance and advanced analytics that unlock organisational potential, enabling informed decision making, leveraging your company’s most valuable data assets to increase shareholder value. We help you obtain rapid access to vast amounts of internal data, fuse it with external data from third parties and social networks, and integrate it with core business operations. We offer insights into your strategy and processes that underpin effective decision-making.

 BMDH’s BSS Transformation lets service providers upgrade their legacy Business Support Systems (BSS) to a truly digital 5G-ready BSS stack, empowering them to deliver digital-first customer experiences and automate business processes. With a fully modular BSS, BMDH offers digital transformation options to suit every context: full-stack deployment for greenfield operators, complete replacement of a legacy stack, or adding adjunct systems that operate alongside legacy BSS in a phased approach.