Arm Customers With AI-Infused Solutions Designed To Make Your Business More Productive.

Customer experience (also known as CX) is defined by the interactions and experiences your customer has with your business throughout the entire customer journey, from the first contact to becoming a happy and loyal customer. Creating an experience really impresses purchasers and ensures that they will keep doing business with you in the future. A superior experience becomes a valued and unique asset for any type of business. To make a great customer experience, make a customer journey map, create buyer personas, establish a positive connection with customers, ask for and act on feedback, create helpful content, and build a community.


BMDH provides you with the Customer Experience platform that drives loyalty and growth in a changing world. We help you drive loyalty at every point along the customer journey. Capture and analyze signals, predict behaviour and create experiences that keep customers wanting more.

Omni-Channel Data Capture + Engagement

  • Capture signals at any touchpoint along any customer journey, combining experience data and operational data
  • Engage with customers on any channel: responsive and branded email surveys, web intercepts, mobile in-app feedback, SMS and messaging channels, social feedback and reviews, IVR systems, call and chat transcripts, and through connected IoT devices
  • Capture voice of the customer via the employee by enabling frontline employees to provide feedback, ideas and suggestions on the customer experience

Customer Lifecycle Insights

  • Create a rich experience profile for every customer to gain a 360° view of their experiences across touchpoints, channels and journeys over time
  • Gain deeper insights into each customer engagement, model attrition risk, predict behavior and identify opportunities for improvement
  • Flexibly group similar customers into segments to answer questions about behavior


Happy customers drive growth. They transact more often, spend more, cost less to serve, and promote your organisation to others. Conversely, dissatisfied customers spend less, cost more to handle complaints, and actively discourage others from doing business with you. Truly understanding your customer, and empowering your teams with this information, allows you to take the actions needed to delight customers, build loyalty, and focus on the things that matter to help your business grow. 


Your customer’s journey likely involves interactions with your organisation across a variety of channels, and your customers expect a consistent experience. Blue Moon Diamond Holdings helps organisations understand every journey, predict customer behaviour, and take action to improve experiences before, during, or after they occur. With BMDH's platform, you can focus on making your customers happy, which in turn increases your revenue and lowers your costs. 

Real-time Reporting and Analytics

  • Create dynamic dashboards and leverage a wide range of analytics and insights to provide visibility into the customer experience and sentiment
  • Continuously sync with the organization’s evolving user structure to deliver feedback, insights and alerts to the right roles and users.
  • Leverage in-memory analytics to calculate millions of data points automatically to ensure data is displayed in real-time across thousands of concurrent users.


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Action and Case Management


  • Turn detractors into promoters by immediately alerting the right person or team to respond to customer feedback
  • Ensure that customer issues are being efficiently handled and resolved through role-specific workflows, push notifications and automated escalations
  • Enable employees to easily respond with pre-built templates they can personalize with the customer comments and case data provided
  • Capture systemic root cause issues across different channels, so you can identify and prioritize where to focus customer experience improvements
  • Bring alerts and workflows into the systems that employees use for customer issue resolution via 2-way integrations with sales, service and collaboration apps.

B2C Customer Experience Applications

Choose from a variety of applications to jumpstart experience programs designed for specific industries and lines of business. These applications come with preconfigured software and integrations based on deep industry and domain knowledge and best practices from hundreds of implementations.


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